Who We Are

Our Mission

The Republican Party of Saint Joseph County is an inclusive organization that embraces the constitutional principles of individual liberty, free-market capitalism, and limited, efficient government. Our primary purpose is to elect Republican candidates at every level of government by educating voters and engaging them in the political process.

Our Vision

The Republican Party of Saint Joseph County is committed to the principles of individual liberty and freedom as stated in the constitutions of the United States and the State of Indiana. We expect our government to be efficient and limited in its primary function of administering justice and protecting the rights and liberty of every citizen.

As the “Party of Possibilities,” we strive to be the party of choice for citizens and candidates in the Saint Joseph County area. We will support and grow the Republican Party by engaging as many people as possible in the electoral process.

Our Values

Individual Freedom and Liberty: Our nation was built on a foundation of freedom and liberty. We are called to be ethical, responsible citizens who are educated and engaged in the governance of our country.

Peace through Strength: The government’s primary responsibility is to protect the freedom and security of all its citizens.

Nation of Laws: The government is responsible for applying justice equally under the Rule of Law. Laws should be necessary, stable, understandable, and enforceable. No one is above the law.

Free Market Economy: A strong economy is built through a free enterprise system combined with equal opportunity, innovation, and initiative without the burden of excessive regulation. We believe in the freedom to try, to buy, to sell, to fail, and to try again. We reject crony capitalism and arbitrary government intervention in business.

Limited Government Powers: Government should be limited, efficient, and accountable for its policies and practices. Each function should be performed by the government closest to the people. Strong local self-government is a means to preserve our freedom and our voice.

Fiscal and Monetary Policies: Government at every level must employ sound fiscal and monetary policies. Accruing excessive debt is irresponsible, places unnecessary burdens on future generations, and puts our liberty at risk. A balanced budget should be expected from our local, state, and national governments.

The Environment: Good stewardship of our natural resources requires common-sense policies that balance the need for economic growth with the protection of our natural environment.

Ethical Standards: All who serve in government must adhere to strict ethical standards, free of corruption and not subject to undue influence from any special interests.

Educated Electorate: Education is best provided and controlled at the local level, with families having the freedom and responsibility to choose their best options. Well-informed citizens are essential for the nation to continue as a republic with individual freedom and effective government.

Family and Community: The family is the core unit of our nation, and its integrity must be protected. Strong families and safe, solid communities are the foundation of a great nation.