Party Structure

  • Jackie Horvath


    Jackie Horvath has founded a PAC and a Pro-Life 501C3, and has actively participated in groups like the Reagan Club, as well as various local and statewide races. Additionally, Jackie is the founder of Horvath Communications, a nationwide multimillion-dollar telecommunications company operating in 38 states.

    Upon her caucus, Jackie emphasized the importance of unity within the party, stating, "Our party’s strength lies in our unity. My goal is to focus on what brings us together as conservatives, rather than our minor differences." She also highlighted the need for transparency, particularly in financial matters, and assured members that she would "ensure proper stewardship of funds and be completely transparent with our donors."

    Jackie Horvath
  • Joe Layne

    Vice Chairman

    Please let me take this moment to introduce myself. My name is Joe Layne and I am the newly appointed Vice Chair of the St. Joseph County Republican Party. 

Born and raised in St. Joe, I was a Reagan Republican in my high school years and became involved in local politics in my mid 20’s.

 I have been a business owner for the last 27 years in the electrical field, providing jobs here locally and across the country.

    I am also currently serving on the St. Joseph County Redevelopment Committee.

My wife, Danielle and I have raised four wonderful children and now enjoy the blessings of twelve grandchildren together. 

I look forward to serving and working with Chair Jackie Horvath, I believe that together, through hard work and determination, we can continue to build, unite and strengthen the St. Joseph County Republican Party.

    Joe Layne

How We Are Structured

Our party is a true grassroots organization, starting with dedicated individuals at every level, from the national stage down to our local townships.

Precinct Committeemen

Precinct committeemen are the backbone of our organization. They engage with their neighbors, rallying support for our party and candidates. Importantly, every four years, these committeemen, along with vice-committeemen, vote for key county leadership positions: chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and treasurer.

County Chairman

The county chairman, in collaboration with the executive committee, shapes the local direction of our party. They play a crucial role in recruiting and supporting candidates for county, city, and township offices. Additionally, the county chairman votes for the district chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and treasurer.

District Chairman

Each Congressional district has a Republican committee focused on electing a Republican Congressman. The district chairman and vice-chairman are members of the state committee, the governing body of the state party. These committee members also vote for the national committeeman, committeewoman, and the state chairman.

State Chairman

The state chairman leads the Republican Party within the state, supporting candidates for statewide office. The state chairman can vote for the chairman of the Republican National Committee if the state voted Republican in the last presidential election, has a Republican majority in its congressional delegation, or has Republican governors. Currently, Kyle Hupfer serves as the Chairman of the Indiana State Republican Party.

National Committeemen

National committeemen, regardless of their state’s political control, have the authority to vote for the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Republican National Committee Chairman

The RNC chairman, serving a two-year term, spearheads the national effort to elect a Republican President and members of Congress. Currently, Michael Whatley serves as the Chair of the RNC and Co-chair Lara Trump.